Painless Wisdom Teeth Extraction Recovery: Your Ultimate Guide to Relief

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Need your wisdom tooth removed? We understand the fear patients often feel before their wisdom teeth removal. Rather than the prospect of having more functional teeth, many never get past the possible pain that a tooth removal brings.

When you have your wisdom teeth removed, pain can be a small part of the process unless you take the measures to alleviate it with the help of your dentist. Here are some tips to ensure a painless wisdom teeth extraction recovery:

Follow your dentist’s post-treatment instructions

After a tooth extraction, your dentist is sure to share the necessary after-care instructions for wisdom teeth removal pain and recovery. Make sure you follow them religiously to heal the treated site quicker.

Apply ice to reduce swelling

Your wisdom tooth removal recovery involved using an ice pack on the outside of your mouth to reduce any possible swelling of inflammation. Applying ice can also greatly reduce pain. Be sure to wrap the ice pack with a cloth or towel before placing it on your skin.

Relieve pain with the help of medication

Tooth extractions aren’t without pain. While the extent or severity of pain may differ from person to person, you are bound to feel the prickles of pain at some point. Your dentist makes sure you have the necessary medication to keep pain at bay and manage your discomfort effectively.

Be gentle when you brush

Don’t be rough while brushing your teeth. Make sure you’re gentle, especially around the area of extraction and use warm salt water to rinse your mouth. This will keep the treated area clean and keep infections from occurring. This, in turn, will ensure quicker healing.

Eat foods that are easy to consume

Your gums need time to heal after a tooth extraction. As part of your recovery from wisdom teeth removal, make sure you only consume foods that are easy to swallow and require minimal chewing. Soups and soft foods that reduce the strain on your teeth, giving you the time to heal.

Don’t use straws

Drinking with a straw requires a movement of suction wherein any clot in your mouth can get dislodged due to the pressure. This could lead to bleeding of the gums where the tooth has been removed, unnecessarily delaying healing.

Ensure timely follow-ups

Be sure to follow-up with your dentist as specified by them to avoid any possible complications that could emerge. During your follow-up, your dentist will determine how well the area of treatment is healing and address any concerns that may have made itself known.

Don’t smoke

Smoking, while already hazardous, creates a suction movement like drinking from a straw, which increases blood flow as well as the time needed to heal. Make sure you refrain from smoking for a few days after your wisdom tooth extraction.

Give your body time to heal

If you work a job that exerts your body, it’s time you take a break. Even though it’s your teeth that’s been treated, your body needs ample rest to reduce pain and swelling at the treatment area.

Now that you know all there is to ensure a painless wisdom tooth removal recovery, be sure to get checked at your nearest dental clinic if you’re in need of an extraction!

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