How Can a Dentist Help with Your Sleep Apnoea?

For a lot of people, blissful sleep is only just a dream. Ironic, but true. In fact, for people with sleep apnoea, sleeping can be more dangerous than anything. Sleep apnoea, for the uninformed, is a disorder wherein the breathing stops and starts repeatedly due to reduced airflow as you sleep. The walls of the throat constrict, causing a reduction in the oxygen levels. The brain registers this drop and sends a signal to wake you up, rousing you momentarily. While individuals do go back to sleep almost immediately, their sleep is disturbed throughout.

With studies indicating at least 5% of Australians suffering from sleep apnoea, it is essential to identify the symptoms and possible sleep apnoea treatment options.

Symptoms of sleep apnoea – Diagnosing it right

In order to help people deal with sleep apnoea, it is essential that your dentist diagnoses it correctly. Many are unaware that dentists are equipped to help you sleep well if you suffer from obstructive sleep. With the airways being blocked as you sleep, the obstruction in breathing can have terrible repercussions. Dentists help diagnose the issue by identifying the symptoms and providing the necessary treatment so that these instances can be curbed. Some of the symptoms of sleep apnoea that help your dentist determine whether you indeed suffer from obstructive sleep include:

  • Fatigue or tiredness during the day
  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Irritability
  • Severe mood changes

While these are common symptoms, there are others that could further pinpoint your condition to sleep apnoea. With a sleep apnoea diagnosis, your dentist will be able to assist in providing the right treatment to help you get a good night’s rest every time.

Risk factors associated with sleep apnoea

The causes of sleep apnoea and their risk factors vary, depending on the type of sleep apnoea one might have. Here’s a list of causes for each type of sleep apnoea:

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

This is a more common form of apnoea which is a result of the muscles in the throat relaxing and blocking air flow.

The risk factors include –

  • Obesity
  • Generics
  • Nasal congestion
  • Narrow airways
  • Habits like smoking or consuming alcohol that relax the throat muscles or increase inflammation and fluid retention
  • Medical conditions like type-2 diabetes, blood pressure, heart issues, asthma, polycystic ovary syndrome, chronic diseases of the lung, etc.

Central Sleep Apnoea

Central sleep apnoea occurs when there is no proper signalling by the brain to the muscles that control your breathing.

The risk factors associated with central sleep apnoea include –

  • Heart disorders
  • Age (older or middle-aged people have higher risks)
  • Stroke
  • Use of narcotics as pain medication

Treating sleep apnoea with the right sleep apnoea dentist in Melbourne

In order to treat sleep apnoea, a lifestyle change may help address the issue, owing to obesity and substance use being major risk factors. Additionally, treating underlying conditions like overly large tonsils or lack of thyroid production will also be carried out in a bid to help eliminate the possible causes.

If you have a mild or moderate form of sleep apnoea, your sleep apnoea dentists in Melbourne will ensure that the issue is taken care of with a splint that keeps your throat open while you sleep, reducing risks of airway obstruction.

Dental appliances are a more popular choice compared to CPAP masks owing to the dental splint being quiet, non-invasive, and light. These also allow jaw movement, yawning, and drinking unlike CPAP machines. Dental splints are also painless and cause no obstruction.

You can find out more about central and obstructive sleep apnoea treatments or consult your dentist to get your diagnosis if you pose risk factors or notice any of the symptoms mentioned above.

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